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What’s the Point?

So often we are asked; ‘what is the point of the blog?’

For us, the point is that we needed a creative outlet.

It is difficult to understand design when it is so often tainted by the notion of celebrity. We LOVE design because the subtle combinations of line, proportion, tone, silhouette, texture, colour, balance and variety make us TICK!

The point is visual communication is tres/molto/very important and we have noticed people are increasingly becoming less inspired by the small things and perhaps (dare we say it) a lil’ lazy. To make sure that we stay attune to the wonders of visual pleasure we started – detached from celebrity hotness and attached to design thinking as a life theme.


Cha Ching for Charity – Stylespiration

image image are preparing the styling for the Australian Chocolate Couture Awards. Chinese paper themed this year to connect with the Chinese chocolate at the FSHD Lindt Chocolate Ball. So much “CH-ing” going on.

Are we down with some paper roses and plaits in the hair… Looks spot on from where we are sitting.

PS we are auctioning our images at the event! $$$$$ Cha ching for charity.





Today we pay homage to the shelves and the stories that sleep within them.

Time To Techno

It’s time to techno, don’t hold back on your disco. Seduce your friends with some shine-y-ness – bling ball bras and chunky chainmail.  WELL HUNG says it will never fail (buuuuuutttttttt random sampling has proven otherwise).

Morten wears DKNY bling-tasttic gold cable knit sweater (circa 1999), vintage Moschino type-writter pants, draped Le Labo metal fabric from BOYAC and face shield.

Hayley wears discoball bra from House of Priscilla, swimsuit from American Apparel, draped Le Labo chainmail from BOYAC and Miu Miu joggers.

Hair – Robert Carlon and Shannon Tayla-Smith

Make-up – Michelle Echevarria and Burton Yuen

Styling – WELL HUNG (Phoebe Woww, Kate Armstrong, Billie Whitehouse and special guest Rodney Watt)

Photography  – Harvey House Productions (Spencer and Lloyd Harvey)


Haunted Hotel – Happy Halloween

Halloween is the one night of the year when outfits with sartorial freedom are globally accepted. That is if you do not take the approach that leaves you in your under garments! For Jesse Willisee’s Haunted Hotel WELL HUNG dressed-up a Venetian Pantomime Lady, a Queen Obsessed Queen Of Hearts and a Crazed-Cat Lady. The optical display was swimming with glitter, all those involved are sure to find glitter in secret body parts for many days to come.